Gregory Geare

Portfolio, experience & background

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Gregory has worked in a number of sectors such as:

Consumer product goods, luxury and fashion, fine gems and diamond jewelry.


#Lets Socialize
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A resilient and agile competitor; I am adept at execution, improving P&L through reducing the cost to acquire a customer, behavioral modeling, market research, and analysis. I remain a lifelong learner while reinventing myself as a businessman along my life’s journey. Domain expert in eCommerce, digital marketing, and sales methodology.

Experienced in impacting high touch, valuable, and emotionally symbolic luxury fashion products requiring an extensive consideration period in which customers often expect personalized and custom style preferences.

I excel at remaining on the bleeding edge of tech and psychology harnessing the creative synergy of our world's most powerful forces and ideas to deliver contextually relevant and modern advertising via a channel-agnostic process.

I strive to serve as a trusted counselor and adviser to various stakeholders through a philosophy of servant leadership emphasized by senior business thought leaders such as John Maxwell, Kevin Oleary, Brian Tracey, and Simon Sinec. I achieve this outcome through creating and teaching simple techniques to navigate innovative and novel solutions to complex challenges. This leads to excellence in execution, developing new business practices, and driving performance in return and earnings.

I believe in a hands-off RATM (results all that matter) style to change management style, which can only be obtained through a dashboard to monitor and observe relevant activities and through setting clear measurement targets using analytics & KPI strategies. Increasing operating efficiency while ensuring culture and atmosphere of respect, fairness, inclusion, and pluralism with a zero-tolerance policy for bullying or demeaning behavior (microaggressions) has remained a cornerstone of my personal ethics and integrity in addition to being an asset in trust-team-habit building and spirit of cooperation, collaboration, friendly competition, and overall integration.

I am often told that I am more missionary than mercenary reflected in my patient unbiased impartial approach to my client’s guidance, training, and responsive communication.


regional experience

㊗️ Ventures Across The Asia Pacific

China • Korea • Vietnam • Malaysia • Singapore •Polynesia• Mexico

East Asian studies have been a major interest, as the influences of the ancient and modern unite creating a synergy to create a more harmonious society.

Gregory remains updated on geopolitics, technology, anthropology, economics in addition to doing business across the Pacific.

> Intermediate in spoken Spanish & Mandarin Chinese <


social entrepreneurship

“No society can surely be flourishing and happy, of which the far greater part of the members are poor and miserable.” - Adam Smith

Social responsibility includes mentoring and investing time and energy into promoting the cause of empowering women with equity of outcome and equality of opportunity within our global economy.

Women account for the majority of purchase decisions and now make up a substantial portion of the labor force in a variety of professions. They are now some of our society’s most valuable founders and businesspeople.

♀️Request free mentoring (resume, evaluations, salary negotiation)

> Apply For Mentoring <